You can control your life in lockdown with top tips from leading UK life coach Carole Ann Rice
A recent study has shown that up to a third of UK women are suffering from lockdown loneliness.
It doesn’t have to be that way though! If you’re on your own, there are some easy hacks you can try that’ll ensure you get through this uncertain period with ease.
Leading UK life coach Carole Ann Rice is confident that there are some aspects in our control, and we can make a difference. Rice from Real Coaching Co is one of the UK’s leading life coaches and personal development experts. Much of her work involves focusing on the here and now and is different to what you may experience in therapy.
Here, she shares five ways to help your lockdown loneliness.
Keep it in perspective
Some days can feel extremely long and without end, but remember, this will not last forever. You are in the best place to stay safe and well. There will be an end to all of this, and life will go back to normal eventually – so you have a lot to look forward to.
Make the effort
Sometimes you just want someone to ask you how you’re doing without having to be the instigator, but if you’re feeling lonely and cut off – reach out. Don’t wait for others to get in touch. Loneliness can become a habit and get worse the more you ignore it, so get in touch when you need to.
Set a routine
Make a deal with friends and family to stay in touch at set times during the week. This will help you establish a routine and have things to look forward to every day. Mix up video calls with phone calls and messages for more flexibility.
Set projects
This doesn’t have to be anything too ambitious but set yourself projects that can be completed over the long and short term. It might be clearing out a cupboard or digging the garden. Make sure they are achievable and enjoyable.
Practise daily self-care
This means establishing a routine that makes sure you look after yourself and takes care of the practicalities. Shower daily when you wake up, get dressed and eat at regular times keeping a varied diet as much as possible. Stick to your routine to help you feel you have a purpose and reason to get up in the morning.