The art of relaxation

In times of crisis, how do you relax on National Relaxation Day – 15th August 2020?

It’s not easy to switch off and relax on National Relaxation Day (15th August 2020), especially when you are worried about your job, finances and health. But this year, more than any other, it’s vital to take time out and relax. Nimesh Shah, Marketing Director at Feel Good Contacts shares six positive steps people can take (independently and at no expense) to relax especially whilst we’re feeling in a state of limbo.

Digital detox

We are well aware of how bad screen time can be for your health.  So switch off the phone, TV and put your laptop away. Try to organise fun and relaxing things for yourself to do, like listening to music, sitting in the garden (even better do some gardening) or reading a book to help you slip more easily into ‘relax mode.’ You could even have a long, warm bath.  Throw in a bath bomb and pop on an eye mask to help you escape for an hour.

Get outdoors

Seeing the same four walls non-stop isn’t good for anyone and people always say that getting out in nature calms you. Try and go for a brisk walk in your neighbourhood to relax.


Key to feeling relaxed is improving the quality of your sleep. You should limit the amount of light you’re exposed to at least 2 hours before bedtime. The blue light from your screens can stop you from sleeping as it tricks your body into thinking it’s still daytime and you should be awake. Try listening to a podcast or reading a book in the evening, you could also use a lamp instead of the main light.

Avoid alcohol at night

Although alcohol consumption will help you feel relaxed and initially help you fall asleep, you’ll end up having very light and poor-quality sleep. This is one of the reasons people tend to feel so tired when they’ve had a lot to drink the night before. If you do have a drink, make sure it isn’t right before bed.

Create a routine

Structure makes our brains happy because the patterns and routines we don’t have to think about will allow our brain to go into autopilot. Establishing a set routine (with some room for flexibility) will give your day some structure. This should make you more productive and hopefully more at ease in these uncertain times.

A routine is just as important for your mental health as it is for your productivity levels. It can be as simple as getting up at the same time every day, reading a book or doing a workout, making a coffee and breakfast, then setting down to start your day.

Personalise the routine to work for you. As long as you are consistent and the routine loosely mimics the one you had before lockdown, it should work for you.

Get dressed

Even if you put on sweatpants and a jumper, putting on your daytime clothes will make a big difference to your mindset.

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